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The state of Wisconsin Department of Revenue is responsible for offering services to businesses. Their online services are for both personal and business needs. Through these services, you can access a secure, fast, and convenient way to complete a DOR transaction. The department keeps updating the services as the year goes by.

The mission of the agency is to administer the state tax system to provide revenue for funding both the state and local government services. They provide taxpayers with clear information concerning tax laws, promote voluntary compliance, and assurance of tax collection fairness.

The vision of the Wisconsin Department of Revenue as stated on the website is to be the premier agency in providing innovative, accessible resources, and exceptional service built on a foundation of trust, inclusivity, and creativity. The department is guided by core values of integrity, knowledge, innovation, empathy, inclusivity, and security.

The functions of the Wisconsin Department of Revenue

  1. Administer the state’s primary tax laws, including income, sales, corporation, income, and excise taxes
  2. Assists local governments in property assessment and financial management
  3. Administers programs that provide state financial aid to local government
  4. Estimate the revenues of the state and forecast the state’s economic activity
  5. Helps to formulate state tax policy
  6. Administers the Wisconsin lottery, which provides property tax relief for homeowners
  7. Administer the unclaimed property program for unclaimed or abandoned property

Division of enterprise services

They provide the secretary’s office and program division with both leadership and support in administrative, budget, and financial management, business planning, performance measurement, record management, employee development, employment relations, and management improvement studies.

Business service section

They consist of 19 staff including a section chief and supervisor. They have vast numbers of functions. The major responsibility is incoming and outgoing emails. The unit is also responsible for facilities and fleet management.

Financial management services bureau

The bureau is responsible for providing the department with comprehensive accounting, financial management, inventory, internal control, and other management fiscal and consulting services. 

Human resources service

This division is centralized within the department of administration, managing comprehensive human resource programs for the Department of Revenue and the department of veteran affairs. 

Division of income, sales, and excise tax

The division administers individual income, employee withholding, corporate franchise/income, state and county sales/use, estate, excise, recycling, and other tax programs. The division has its mission promotion of voluntary tax compliance, identify and address noncompliance, provide excellent service, and promote fairness and equity in tax administration. 


This division includes the office of technical services and the office of criminal investigation. 

The Office of technical services directs the division’s legislative and rule-making activities, the division coordinates the administration of state tax programs, develops tax forms, publications, and administrative rules, and leads the implementation of law changes, and provision rulings on tax issues.

The Office of criminal investigation is responsible for conducting a criminal investigation of individuals suspected of violating Wisconsin tax laws. They assist in the prosecution of the offenders. They are also responsible for Wisconsin’s alcohol and tobacco laws.

Audit bureau

The bureau audit income, sales, withholding, motor vehicle fuel, and other excise tax returns and homestead, earned income, and farmland preservation credit claims. The bureau also encourages taxpayer compliance through office and field audits that result in assessments and refunds as appropriate, they make provisions for taxpayer information and assistance. 

Compliance bureau

The bureau collects all delinquent taxes and collects debt for state agencies, counties, and municipalities through refund interception.  The bureau makes provisions for taxpayer information and assistance.

Customer service bureau

The bureau makes provision of accurate and understandable information by responding to taxpayer inquiries, educating customers proactively on the department’s program, and ensuring the department forms and publications are well-designed and customer friendly. 

Tax operations bureau

The bureau processes over 7 million individual and business tax returns and documents annually.  The bureau collects Wisconsin tax revenues. 

Division of lottery 

The Wisconsin mission is to achieve the greatest possible property tax relief for taxpayers in Wisconsin. 

Security & operations bureau

The bureau is responsible for physical security, information technology security, retailer inspections, and investigations, player investigations, drawings, and continuity of operations planning.

Product development & marketing bureau

The bureau makes provision for research and development of instant and terminal-generated, games, market research and analysis, marketing communications, and player relations. 

Retailer relations & sales bureau

The bureau is responsible for developing and implementing the Lottery’s sales program. The bureau makes provision for retailers’ recruitment and sales support through field marketing representatives. The bureau makes provision of key accounts management to corporate accounts as well as managing contract and account functions for retailers.

Division of research and policy

The division provides detailed analysis of fiscal and economic policies to the secretary of revenue, and they have:

  1. Sales tax policy and economic team
  2. Property and excise tax policy team

Division of state and local finance

The division is responsible for establishing the state’s equalizing values. The division also has bureaus such as:

  1. Equalization bureau
  2. Local government
  3. Manufacturing & utility bureau
  4. Office of technical and assessment services

Division of technology services

This division manages IT services for the entire department. The division establishes and manages information technology standards, policies, and guidelines that assure a secure environment for electronic resources. They have the following bureau:

  1. Customer service bureau
  2. Application services bureau 

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