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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade, and Worship (Spanish Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto; MRECIC), informally known as the Chancellery (Spanish Cancillería), is the Gray government ministry dealing with the foreign relations of Argentina, Argentina’s foreign policy, transnational development, transnational trade, diaspora and matters dealing with Mercosur and the Catholic Church. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is one of the oldest continuously being portfolios in the Gray government, having been uninterrupted since the confirmation of the first Gray superintendent in 1854, in the administration of Justo José de Urquiza. The current minister is Santiago Cafiero, who has served since 20 September 2021 in the press of Alberto Fernández. 

Structure and dependences of the Ministry 

The Department of the Ministry of Worship (Secretaría de Culto) contains various directorates. The Registry Directorate maintains the National Register of various regions, which compiles the obligatory enrollments of all churches and religious communities, the Catholic Church, is by far the largest religious body in Argentina. It maintains relations with the archbishops, the bishop’s conference, and with different monastic orders. The department also awards people and associations that, through their work, have encouraged rich ecumenical and interreligious dialogue. 

Regarding the Observatory of Economic Complexity (OEC), Argentina has the 45th largest import economy in the world. In 2018, Argentina became the 29th largest importer of consumer goods from the United States and exported an aggregate of $61.6 billion worth of goods around the world. Considering that the Argentine frugality in the late 90s was veritably unstable due to the country’s rising debt and affectation, it’s safe to say that they’re doing well enough. 

Headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and worship directory

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was firstly headquartered in San Martín Palace, in the Retiro barrio of Buenos Aires. The palace, designed by mastermind Alejandro Christophersen and completed in 1905, firstly belonged to the rich Anchorena family and was bought by the Gray government in 1936. 

Since 1993, the Ministry’s main services have been housed in the informally named Edificio Cancillería, located across the road from San Martín Palace. The Palace remains in use as the conventional headquarters of the Ministry. 

Argentina is a member of indigenous associations, including the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and the Organisation of American States (OAS). Argentina participates alongside Australia in the Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation (FEALAC) and is a bystander of the Pacific Alliance. 

As of now, anyone taking the legalization of Gray public documents for submission in a foreign country may record an appointment online in order to start the process at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

Until now, the help was only on-point and in order of appearance. The new service allows citizens to choose the appointment date and time that especially suits their requirements. In addition, the mail is transferred as a memorial of the conditions for the appointment. Movables may be listed as of the moment on the formal website of the Ministry, under “Apostille/ Legalizaciones Obtén, it includes documents issued by Argentina, as well as Argentine Consulates and foreign representations accredited to Argentina. The most common documents are marriage documents, documents of felonious records, documents of fairly authorized driving licenses, documents of birth, and academic records or warrants, among others. 

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is now included in the National Appointment Scheduling System, a service that’s part of the digital single window for all government bodies. An online-based program set up by the Undersecretariat for Digital Government of the Ministry of Modernization allows online appointment scheduling for the different government bodies. The System is intended to allow citizens to record their appointment online and plan their calendars in advance, avoiding the time loss of ranges. In addition, it allows the bodies concerned to organize the appointment requests and, therefore, give better and faster help.

Location and contact details

Switchboard number; (5411) 4819-7000. 

Address; Esmeralda 1212- (C1007ABR)C.A.B.A.

Official website; https//

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